

Reinventing Life- What happens next

 It scares the hell out of me to publish this vlog - a few months ago, I didn't even know what one was. In an effort to move forward,  I am trying to do things that terrify me; things that can paralyze my creative voice.

A few years ago I moved from Los Angeles to Humboldt County, which means being new to a community and  telling "my  story" over and over again. As I try to encapsulate the last few decades -  my career and life -  I see that look, and I know this person is trying to figure out how to gently ask the question,  "What are you doing here?!"
Sometimes I stammer and struggle to find an answer and other times it comes easily.

Here is an attempt at answering the question. I will update the vlog as I'm inspired to do so with new videos about this new experience - life in a small town.  This is an exploration in something new. This is for everyone who wonders...what happens next?